Blog: Powering Your Greatness Through Skills Attainment

# 11月2还记得 is the adopted hashtag 和 vibe for this month. We have only two months left of this historic year, so I’m resolving to take the remainder of 2020 to fuel my path to 伟大. With the elections taking place this month, the p和emic continuing to wreak havoc on our global community, 经济的不确定性, 和 the nature of work 和 business in constant flux, it’s clearer than ever that we have very little control over much of anything. But how can one achieve success or 伟大 without much in our control? By taking control of the only thing we do have control over…ourselves.

Success is a byproduct of discipline 和 hard work. It is the inevitable outcome when one does the necessary to consistently push through adversities 和 mental challenges. 当勇气, the art of staying in the game, 是很重要的, one cannot change the game in their favor unless they are also developing the necessary skills to position themselves for 伟大.  It is with this underst和ing that we are committing to make this month epic by pushing ourselves to do more. Be more disciplined, but more focused, be more bold. And to do so, we have to leverage something we haven’t had to before. And if you don’t have what it takes currently, we have to go acquire new skills.

我们如何获得新技能?  You do so by assessing the gap between where you are now 和 where you what to be. If we are honest with ourselves during this assessment, the new skills necessary to fuel our journey to the next level should become apparent 和 clear to us. If not, you can also study others who’ve accomplished what you’re looking to accomplish. What have they had to bring to bear to accomplish their goals? Once you have these sets of skills written down, commit to obtaining one at a time. 为什么? Because not only are these skills going to be needed to fill the gap, the mindset developed during the process will be one of growth. Growth comes as a result of putting oneself into a space of repeated discomfort when doing something physically or mentally challenging, 无论如何都要这么做. This determination to do it anyways forces you to push beyond your own self-imposed boundaries. 在理想的情况下, if you can start your day from this self-imposed space of discomfort, imagine the decisions one can make every day by simply opting into it. Taking on new challenges also keeps our minds engaged, 身体的活动, 和 quite frankly makes us more interesting.

With that said, I am focusing on building new skills this month of 11月. On a personal note, my goal is to learn edit my 总有一天就是今天 播客自己. Being someone of little patience at times 和 one not so keen on learning new technology, this will be an interesting 和 useful challenge to take on. 从专业角度来看 MBA成长伙伴, we are focusing on “Inspiration through Communication”. We will be exploring various ways to leverage different communication channels to reach 和 better engage with our customers.  Look out for videos, more blogs, newsletters, etc.

Other activities we’re exploring this month:

  1. 早上5点起床.m.
  2. Take a cold shower every day
  3. Read four books to gain knowledge in new areas
    1. 无限的
    2. The Obstacle is the Challenge
    3. 从优秀到卓越
    4. 好钱
  4. Do Yoga daily with the babies

还记得, the more we exercise the muscle of learning, 越灵活, 敏捷, 我们变得适应性强, 和 the better able we are at h和ling the challenges we are sure to face on our journey to 伟大.

What are your goals for 11月? What new skills are you working on? We have two months left in 2020. 让我们做得更好!

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